Studio North experiment with colours for the interior design of the booth.
In order to contrast the wooden exterior, bold choices of colour are intended to shock and excite the viewer through its vibrancy and saturation. Red, orange, and yellow are colours often associated with hunger and appetite. 
The exhibition will consist of two views: One, speaks to The Stop and their mandate around local food security and pro bono work. The exterior will lack colour to emphasizes the reality of the issue, and how “it’s not pretty”.
The other view is filled with utensils, in highly saturated display boxes. This highlights how design is about aesthetics as well as serving a purpose – to promote awareness of social issues.
Drawings/renderings by Emma.

In the workshop, Emma and Maral use the bandsaw to cut up wooden panels for a test box of the interior. Varying wood stains are used to test interior colour options and how it will contrast with the raw and unfinished wooden exterior.